Coprophagia: Why do dogs eat poop?

Dogs eating poop is an unfortunate reality we have to deal with. Dogs make wonderful companions, they’re our best friends, but they do make odd choices. Eating animal poop is one of them. Eating their poop is even worse! But why do dogs do this? Is it normal? Is my dog weird because of doing this? This article will dig into this odd behavior in detail. This article will cover the reasons why dogs do such strange things, and more importantly how you can put a stop to this. At the end of the article, you will find some surefire tactics for keeping your dog on a poop-free diet.

yellow labrador eating grass

Is it normal for dogs and puppies to eat poop?

Yes, it’s very normal for dogs to eat their own or other animal’s poop. Although this behavior is normal, it’s not okay, or even tolerable. It is, of course, disgusting but also very unhealthy. Let’s find the reasons why dogs eat their poop and that of other animals.

Dogs that eat their poop:

Dogs that eat their poop are unfortunately very common. They tend to eat older poop, that is left in the yard should you forget to pick it up after the matter. They tend to do it with older poop, not fresh poop, as there seems to be some clear connection between their feces and themself. Most dogs aren’t always aware they are eating THEIR poop. They typically don’t make the connection when eating old poop. Older poop tends to have lost its smell, making it harder for them to make the distinction.

Dogs that eat other animals’ poop:

Dogs that eat other animals’ poop are less common. A healthy dog should not be eating other animals’ poop, if your dog is doing this, you should be concerned. Just because it is a normal problem doesn’t mean it is acceptable. Again, it tends to be older poop that attracts their attention. Furthermore, a dog who has turned to eat other animals’ poop once will develop a taste for it and continue to do so. This is a very unhealthy and frankly disgusting habit that you should stamp out as quickly as possible.

black labrador eating grass

Reasons why dogs eat poop?

The reasons why dogs eat poop are surprisingly quite complex. It isn’t as simple as “dogs are dumb” because they aren’t. They are hardwired, to differentiate between what is food and what isn’t. With natural processes like defecation, dogs DO know that they shouldn’t be eating it. This section will cover the three potential areas that you should investigate to get to the bottom of why your dog is eating poop.

Behavioral reasons:

Dogs will often do something they know is naughty, just because they can. If you catch your dog eating poop and scold them for it they will quickly learn that you do not like what they were doing. With well-behaved dogs, this is normally enough to make them stop. Dogs who are intentionally trying to defy you will eat their poop just to spite you. If you constantly find your dog eating poop even though you reward them for stopping and scold them if they try to do it again, you need to put way more effort into training.

Nutritional-related reasons:

Dogs who are malnourished will seek sustenance elsewhere. Dogs will eat their feces in the wild when they begin to starve, it’s a natural “last resort” that dogs will turn to if they aren’t being fed enough. It can also be an indicator that what your feeding them isn’t nutritious enough. If you are only feeding your dog cheap dry kibble, that’s probably the reason. That isn’t anywhere close to an acceptable diet for a dog. They need meat and vegetables. They need a balanced diet. If you swap your dog to a better, more fulfilling, diet their poop-eating days should be long gone. But you must make the change quickly, allowing your dog to develop the habit can make it very hard to break even if they are getting their nutritional needs met.

Medical reasons:

Dogs who are sick or injured may turn to eat their poop. This is rare in most cases. However, gastrointestinal problems that make the absorption of nutrients difficult can “trick” the dog’s brain into thinking they are malnourished. They very well might be, of course, but the result is still the same. If your dog is still eating poop even though you have given them a well-balanced diet, in adequate quantities, they could have some kind of illness. Maybe even a parasite that is leeching off some of their food’s nutrients. Worms are notorious for this. Getting your dog some deworming medicine might solve your dog’s poop-eating problem! It’s best to speak to the vet, they will likely be able to run tests for any potential problems. If it’s a medical reason that has led to a sudden appeal of eating poop for your dog, your vet will find it.

How to stop your dog from eating poop?

So, if your dog eats poop, you have a general idea about why this is happening, but what can you do about it? Well, lots of things! First, you should have investigated what was wrong with your dog that was causing it to eat poop. Only by finding the reason can you find the solution. First of all, training your dog is always a good idea. But, even the best-trained dogs will eat poop if their brain is telling them they need to.

If you have deduced that it is not a behavioral issue, and is something else. A dietary change is always a good idea. Try swapping out one meal of kibble for wet food. Maybe even cooking food for your dog yourself! Some boiled chicken, rice, and carrots will do wonders for your dog. And they’re pretty darn easy to make too. Cheap dry foods are generally not that good for your dog, it’s almost all carbs.

If you have swapped your dog’s diet for a very well-balanced, and very filling one. Yet it still has a craving for poop. Then it’s very likely a medical problem. Booking an appointment with the vet as soon as possible is highly recommended. You can always take precautions against these medical problems. Keeping your dog up to date on his shots and regularly giving him deworming medicine is a good place to start. Dogs can benefit from vitamin and mineral supplements just as much as we do. They can often be bought in powders, and then mixed into your dog’s wet food. Tablets or pills are pretty off-putting to most dogs, he might eat them, or he might not. It depends if he’s a picky eater or not.

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There are also some precautions you can take in general that make eating poop far more difficult for your dog. First of all, when your dog goes to the bathroom in your yard always, ALWAYS, pick it up. Your dog can’t eat what isn’t there. It’s also a good idea to keep your dog on its leash when out in public. This is a good idea generally for your dog’s safety and the safety of others. But, it also means you can easily yank him away from any poop he might find on the ground. Unless you were planning on picking up all the poop at the dog park yourself. If that’s the case, more power to you!

Check out this related post: WHY IS MY DOG EATING GRASS AND VOMITING

Final thoughts:

Hopefully, you’ve now learned a little something about how a dog’s mind works. Just because a dog eats poop doesn’t mean he’s a bad dog, or dumb, there can often be complicated reasons behind it that are too complex for your dog to truly understand. That’s why it’s on you to take action to help put an end to your dog’s poop-eating days. If you find poop eating to be a recurring problem with your dog, it’s best to seek the help of a professional. Be it a vet, or a trainer, perhaps even both. Ensuring your dog doesn’t eat poop is so important. It’s not just gross, but it’s dangerous. Poop is filled with all sorts of nasty bacteria, eating it is sure to make your dog sick. If he isn’t already.

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