Why is My Dog Eating Grass and Vomiting?

Dogs have been around almost as long as human civilization has. That length of time spent with another creature isn’t something you go through without learning a few things about them. Despite this, however, there are a lot of behaviors that dogs do that still baffle us. One of these behaviors is eating grass and vomiting afterward. Now you may be wondering, “why is my dog eating grass and vomiting? Is this normal?”. Well, you’d be surprised. Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at dogs eating grass and see if there’s anything you can do about it.

dog eating grass

Is Eating Grass Normal Canine Behavior?

It may surprise you to learn this, but dogs eating grass isn’t uncommon, even wild canines do this often. So much so, that many veterinarians consider this normal for many canines. Wolves would often eat grass after eating prey. Since domesticated dogs are pretty much descended from wolves, eating grass is probably something that has been passed down from their wild cousins, and has continued to stick through the millennia.

But why do dogs do it in the first place? One theory is that eating grass is a way to help supplement a dog’s diet. Grass is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help dogs with their digestion. Wolves, for example, are exclusively carnivorous, so fiber is difficult to come by unless they consume plant matter, like grass. If they didn’t. they would suffer from indigestion. This is why dogs suffering from an upset stomach are more likely to eat grass to help settle their gut. Sometimes though, dogs simply eat grass because they are bored, or in some cases, they just like the taste and smell of it.

Why Do Dogs Vomit After Eating Grass?

Surprisingly, not all dogs vomit after eating grass. As we’ve mentioned before, dogs might simply eat grass as a source of fiber, so most of the time, the grass simply comes out of the other end. Often, the vomiting behavior is not related to the grass itself.

Dogs also eat grass to help ease the discomfort in their stomachs. If a dog vomits afterward, it’s more than likely that the reason isn’t the grass itself, but the upset stomach. Simply put, eating grass is as much a symptom as vomiting itself is. Of course, if your dog does this only a few times, then it’s probably not a cause for concern. It could simply be a reaction to bad food or indigestion. If your dog has been vomiting continuously for more than a day, however, then you should consider taking them to the vet.

labrador eating grass

Is Eating Grass Harmful to Dogs?

Dogs are omnivorous animals, so they can eat plant matter. They can’t digest grass, however. Despite this, the grass is safe for your dog to eat. It can be a problem, however, if the grass itself has been treated with pesticides and other chemical fertilizers. These chemicals can be toxic to your dog, and if not treated immediately after ingestion, can be fatal. If you own a dog or two, then it’s probably best to keep your lawn chemical-free.

What to do If You Notice Your Dog Eating Grass and Vomiting

Although eating grass is more or less normal behavior for dogs, it can be an indicator that something is wrong. As we’ve mentioned before, grass-eating can be a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself. Here are a few things you can do if you notice your dog eating grass and vomiting.

Check Your Dog’s Food

One of the biggest culprits to your dog eating grass is what you have been feeding them. Eating grass is just a way for them to purge themselves of what they eat. See if the food you’ve been giving is expired or has gone bad. If that’s not the case, check the ingredients of whatever dog food you’ve been feeding them. Food rich in grains and starch can be troublesome to digest for your dogs. If your dog has indigestion, they are more likely to eat grass, which is rich in fiber Related post: Can Labradors Eat A Raw Meat Diet?

Check for Allergens

Some dogs just have a sensitivity to certain foods. If that’s the case, they may suffer periods of stomach allergies if they consume a certain food. It’s best to simply change whatever brand of dog food you’re giving your dog if you find them eating grass. Go for hypoallergenic dog food that’s also rich in moisture. Related post: Are Labradors Retrievers Prone to Allergies?

Click here to find the best food for Labradors

yellow labrador eating grass

Check out this related post: Why Do Labradors Eat So Much?

Give Your Dog Digestive Relief Formulas

If you notice that your dog’s vomit is yellow bile, then it’s likely that they’re suffering from acid reflux or heartburn. If that’s the case, then they’re having problems with a hyper-acidic stomach. These strong gastric acids may be irritating your dog’s stomach, which then leads to them eating grass and vomiting to soothe the pain. A good way to solve this problem is by giving them digestive relief formulas. These supplements will help soothe your dog’s hyper-acidic stomach, which will lessen its need to eat grass.

Give Your Dog Vitamin Supplements

Dogs will also eat grass if they feel like they’re not getting the right amount of nutrients. To counteract this, simply give them a well-rounded diet. You can also give them food supplements that can help round out their nutritional needs.

Give Your Dog Proper Exercise

If you suspect your dog is healthy enough and is simply eating grass because they’re bored, a good way to counteract this is to give your pet sufficient exercise. A good way to do this is by giving them daily walks. Remember that each breed or even each dog has their own exercise needs, so if you feel your dog hasn’t had enough activity yet, then try to give them even more stuff to do at home. Entertainment in the form of chew toys can be enough to stop them from eating grass out of boredom. Related post: How Much Exercise Does A Dog Need?

Take Your Dog to the Vet

A good rule to follow when you’re worried about your dog’s health, whether it’s with grass-eating or any other strange behavior, then remember that the vet is your best friend here. They have the right knowledge and equipment to deal with problems like these, and they can even educate you on proper canine care.

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