Are Labradors expensive to own?

Are Labradors expensive to own?

Labradors are excellent companions and are great with children. However, they can be among the most expensive dogs to own because of their veterinary expenses. Annually, owning a Labrador can cost around $1060 a year, if your dog is perfectly healthy. Although Labradors are typically healthy dogs they can be genetically predisposed to suffer from various health issues that can make the cost of owning a Labrador Very high. If expensive medical treatments are involved the cost could soar to $10,000 a year. So keeping a Labrador healthy could save you a lot of money.

How much does a Labrador puppy cost?

Labrador puppies range in cost depending on whether you buy them from a shelter, a rescue center, or a breeder. Breeders sell their puppies for between 800 to 1200 dollars. That said, some can go as high as 1500 dollars. If you decide to rescue a puppy, you can end up spending around 400 dollars. It is important to remember that breeder puppies are more expensive because they are purebred, undergo DNA testing to check for genetic markers for hereditary diseases, and also get vaccinated. So this could be money well spent after all. 

Why are labradors so expensive?

Labrador Retrievers are the most popular breed in America, which makes Labrador Puppies highly sought after by future pet owners. For this reason, Labrador breeders will charge a considerable amount of money for their puppies, that’s how the market works. Also, as noted above, Labradors can have a lot of veterinary expenses, which would make them costly to own.

Apart from hip dysplasia, they are prone to other genetic disorders like Osteochondritis dissecans, which are costly to treat. Reputable breeders will test for genetic markers for some of these diseases, to make sure that the puppy will grow into a healthy dog. So if you are looking for a Labrador puppy it might be a good idea to look for a reputable breeder that runs DNA testing on their puppies.  Related post: Common Health Issues In Labradors 

The average cost of owning a Labrador

Here is a list of the things that contribute to the cost of owning a labrador.


You can choose from canned food, raw food, or dry food such as Kibble. Ensure that the food you choose is high in protein. Every year you will need to spend 325 to 750 dollars on food or between 27 and 62.50 every month.


Labradors need dog beds for rest and sleep. It is essential to get a comfortable bed for your labrador so that they can rest comfortably. Labrador beds cost between 58 and 289 dollars, depending on specifications. Consider buying a full-size dog bed that your puppy can grow into instead of going back to the store when he outgrows a smaller bed.


Labrador toys can cost between 17 and 25 dollars each. It is best to look for durable toys to ensure that the dog does not destroy them after a few days.

Leashes and collars

The best leashes for labradors cost between 8 and 19 dollars and can serve you for a long time. Dog collars are more expensive and cost between 17 and 31.50 dollars.


Labradors need a lot of washing because they love rolling around on the ground, as mentioned above. Annually you will need to spend between 35 and 250 dollars on grooming.

Routine Veterinary Care

It is crucial to ensure that your labrador gets regular check-ups and vaccinations against infections. These will cost around 150 dollars annually.

Preventive Medications and Supplements

Preventive medicine for heartworm and other diseases costs between $75 and 1500, while supplements cost up to $600 annually.

Obedience Classes or Training Resources

Depending on the trainer and duration, obedience classes cost between $75 and $300.

Dog Walking

It costs between 20 and 30 dollars to hire someone to walk your labrador for 30 minutes.

Pet Sitters or Boarding

Boarding your labrador will cost you 15 to 30 dollars per night, while pet sitters charge 30 dollars per hour.

Emergencies and Other Unexpected Expenses

Dog emergencies such as injuries or swallowing foreign objects like socks can cost you thousands of dollars in vet fees. Of course, getting a good Pet Health Insurance Plan for your Labrador can be a great way to save money on medical bills, should your dog get sick or suffer an accident.

Related Post: Are Labradors Good for First-Time Owners?

Tips for buying a Labrador Puppy

Here are some essential tips for buying a Labrador puppy

Think about your budget

Before buying a puppy, think about the amount of money you have and can spend on buying a new dog. It is advisable to think about how much you can spend on a puppy every month. Make sure that you have enough to cater for food, vet visits, and toys.


Labs love to play, and you must provide enough space in the home for them to move around. If you have a tiny apartment, keeping a labrador might not be the best move. You can choose to move to a bigger place before you bring your dog home.


Make sure that you can spare time to play with your dog. Labradors enjoy human company, so make sure that you have time in your day to walk and play with the dog.

Age of the Puppy

The age of the puppy is an important consideration to make. Take the puppy home between 8 and 12 weeks. A puppy that is younger than 71/2 weeks may not do well in your home.

Your Family

If you have a partner and kids, it is crucial to ensure that the puppy will fit into your family setup. Make sure that your children are ready for a puppy and that you have time to supervise their play with the new labrador.

Male or Female

Whether male or female, a labrador is a good dog, but males are better if you are concerned about looks. They are more muscular than females and are easier and cheaper to neuter.

If you want to find the best pet insurance for your labrador, click here 

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