Labrador Retriever Puppy Feeding Guide

Are you a first-time, inexperienced puppy owner? Are you confused about what to feed your Labrador puppy? Do you wish to provide your beloved puppy with the best diet but are confused as to what that is? We have compiled this article for you to help you figure out the best options for your puppy.

White puppy standing over his plastic bowl with food

What to feed your puppy? What are the different types of food available?

There is no one food type that everyone agrees to be the best and most effective for your Labrador puppies. Even experts disagree on what type of food is the absolute best for your beloved puppy. There are 4 main types of food for dogs. Each one of them has its fair share of pros and cons.

Kibble or dry food

Many people regard kibble as the best food for puppies. Dry food is by far the most popular feeding method due to its convenience and price. But is it any good? Depending on the brand you choose, this food is either of very poor quality and ineffective in completing your dog’s nutritional requirements, or is of very good quality that provides your puppy with all the nutrients it is going to require.

If you go for high-quality kibble food brands, you can be sure that the food is providing your dog with all the necessary nutrients it requires. However, if you choose to go for cheaper brands of kibble, you will not only be unsure of the quality of the food, but they will also lack the necessary nutrients that your dog requires. They pass through your dog’s body without being absorbed or having any major effect on your pup’s health.

Kibble is also good for your puppy’s teeth. It is convenient, cost-effective in the long run, and comes in a wide range of flavors. However, dogs can become bored of kibble, and they will never be as excited to eat dry food as to eat actual meat.

Labrador puppy food
Image by Chiemsee2016 from Pixabay

Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) or raw food

The subject of BARF or raw food is very controversial, some specialists say it is dangerous while others say is the best option to feed your dog.

Despite criticism, this type of dog food has some benefits. By feeding your raw dog food, your dog’s poops become less smelly.  This makes cleaning after your dog much easier for you. It also reduces the risk of bloat, which can be a potentially fatal condition. Dogs fed on kibble are more at risk of bloat. BARF also makes your dog’s teeth healthier. It makes them clean, glowing, and shiny. It reduces the risk of obesity, and your dog enjoys a slim but healthy figure. Dogs enjoy eating meat more than they enjoy eating dry food. Many people also say that after switching to raw food, their dogs’ allergies and skin conditions become less frequent.

However, there are some cons to a completely raw diet. Sharp bones can harm the inside of the dog’s body. When dogs bite down on a bone, they swallow small fragments that could form a blockage in the intestine. This blockage, in the best-case scenario, causes constipation, and in the worst-case scenario requires immediate veterinary surgery. Then there is the potential of dangerous bacteria growing around your dog’s bowl, which can make you and your family sick. Click here to read this related post: Can Labradors Eat A Raw Meat Diet?

Labrador Puppy Raw Food Diet

Wet food (cans and pouches)

A puppy might prefer wet food over kibble as it looks and tastes way more appetizing. However, as in the case of dry food, if you choose a cheap brand, it will not have the essential nutrients your puppy needs. So choose high-quality brands that will ensure the nutrition that your puppy needs. An advantage of wet food, compared to dry food, is that it contains a higher percentage of liquid, which helps hydrate the dog and make it feel fuller.

Home-cooked puppy food

If you are reluctant to buy mass-produced puppy food from the market, you can always prepare a homemade meal for your dog. You have to make sure that the meal consists of all the necessary nutrients required by your dog. (here is a useful link to prepare your dog’s food at home)

The meal should have a proper balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables, fats, and vitamin and mineral supplements. You can look for different recipes on the internet that will help you in preparing a meal for your dog that is properly balanced and meets all your puppy’s requirements. 

How much should you feed your puppy?

Like human babies or any baby animals, puppies also need more meals than adult dogs. Since their growth rate is the fastest as it’s ever going to be, they need the necessary calories to keep up with the growth. A puppy will need about 3 or 4 meals a day. If you feed the food of 4 meals into 1 meal, then your puppy’s digestive system will not be able to handle such a large food intake in one go, and your dog may get diarrhea. If you are feeding your puppy 3 meals a day, and your pup has loose stools, then take the amount of food for 3 meals, and divide it into 4 meals in a day. Make sure that your puppy’s daily food intake is divided up into small meals that are fed throughout the day, with at least a gap of 3 to 5 hours between 2 meals.

How do you recognize quality puppy food?

There are a lot of choices to choose from when you go to buy puppy food. So how do you choose the one with the best quality? If you go for one of the well-known, popular, and widely consumed brands, the chances are that the puppy food of these brands is of high quality; hence, their popularity. So, do not be reluctant to spend some bucks, and get your beloved puppy the food it deserves.

why labradors eat so much

What is to be done if your puppy is not eating?

Not all puppies are greedy for more and more food. It is a proven fact that puppies tend to eat more when they are eating in a group, and generally eat less when they are eating less. Hence, for the first few days that your puppy spends without its brothers and sisters, it may not eat as much and have a reduced appetite. Usually, a reduced appetite is not something to worry about, but it is best to mention it to your vet in the next checkup or if the problem continues to persist.

Click here to find the best dog food for your Labrador Puppy

When do you switch from puppy food to adult food?

Your puppy becomes an adult when it’s around one to 1 and a half years of age. A small dog like a Chihuahua might become an adult when it is around 9 months of age. However, a larger dog breed like a Labrador will need another 4 to 6 months to become an adult. At this time, you should switch your puppy’s food from puppy food to adult food. You also have to reduce the amount of food you give to your dog as it will not need as much food as an adult as it is needed as a puppy. You may also change dog food brands if you feel like it.

Now that you are aware of different alternatives of puppy food that are available for you, and of some main questions regarding dogs and their food, it is time for you to decide what type of food will suit your dog the best and what brand you are going to purchase your dog food from if you are not making a homemade meal. 

If you have any doubts about your puppy’s nutrition requirements, it’s a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or an expert breeder.

If you want to find the best pet insurance for your labrador, click here

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